If you’re like me, you often find yourself overwhelmed with the demands of motherhood and daily responsibilities. As an ADHD mom, it can be challenging to stay on top of tasks and manage the chaos that comes with parenting. However, I’ve found that incorporating simple yet effective daily habits into your routine can give you super powers that help you navigate through overwhelm and create a sense of balance in your life.

Here are some key daily habits that I’ve incorporated into my life to avoid overwhelm and promote well-being:

1. Prioritize Sleep

As moms we need to be greedy about sleep. For the sake of everyone else in the household, I have to get myself to bed before 11 and if I can manage it I’d love to be in bed winding down by 9:30 and asleep by 10:30. Going to bed early and ensuring you get an adequate amount of rest is crucial for managing ADHD symptoms and reducing stress. A good night’s sleep sets the tone for a productive day ahead. If this seems impossible for you, look for an upcoming post where I delve deeper into the habit of going to bed early. 

2. Morning Me-Time

Waking up an hour before your kids can provide you with precious moments of solitude. Use this time to engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it’s reading, meditating, or enjoying a cup of coffee in peace. I was never a morning person but I took a challege by Hal Elrod, author of The Miracle Morning and found that my stress vanished overnight and each day I wake up a little before my kids makes for more great days and far fewer bad ones.  Here’s the book if you’re interested. 

3. Move Your Body

 Incorporating exercise, even if it’s just for a minute, can have a significant impact on your mental and physical well-being. Physical activity releases endorphins, boosts energy levels, and helps alleviate stress. There are a plethora of reasons to exercise daily, whether it’s a vigorous HIIT routine or just a little neck stretch in your office chair. I always feel better after a good workout. I feel more focused through the day and I feel a sense of achievment even if it’s just five minutes of stretching. 

4. Practice Affirmations

Positive affirmations can shift your mindset and empower you to tackle challenges with confidence. Our ADHD brains can be downright cruel to our self esteem. Start rebuilding your internal self image by starting your day by affirming your strengths, capabilities, and intentions for the day ahead. It’ll take some work but set an alarm for it. If you can’t think of any ask CHAT GPT. Then read them to yourself with feeling (sometimes I have to pretend I’m yelling at myself so that I will listen to them) for 5 minutes. You’re unique and amazing in your own way and your subconscious needs to believe it too so give it a try. 

5. Journaling 

This has been one of the surprising habits that has helped me. I journal at the end of the day but there’s no right or wrong time to do it. Every night I write a little about what happened that day. Mostly my short term memory is a siv where I can’t remember things like what I had for lunch or if I had lunch at all. Jotting down the significent events, thoughts, or feelings of the day helps my brain organize them and even better recall them in the future. Writing down your thoughts, feelings, and goals in a journal can be a therapeutic practice for ADHD moms. Journaling allows you to process emotions, track progress, and gain clarity on what matters most to you. And it’s kind of fun, even if you don’t remember when you did something, you now have a record of what you did and the date you did it! I can remember most things I have done, places I have been etc but I will never remember what chronilogical order. This frustrates my husband to no end!

6. Soak Up Sunshine

 Getting exposure to natural light in the morning can regulate your circadian rhythm, boost mood, and enhance focus. We’ve all heard this at one time I’m sure. Said another way is darkness at night turns sleep on in our brains, sunlight, specifically the frequencies of morning sun light, turn off those sleep messages in our brain.  Step outside for a few minutes to soak up sunshine or open the blinds and let the gentle light hit your face to kickstart your day on a bright note. wink

By incorporating these daily habits into your routine and being consistent in practicing them, you can create a supportive structure that helps you navigate through overwhelm and maintain a sense of balance. Remember, small steps taken consistently can lead to significant improvements in your overall well-being.

As an ADHD mom, it’s essential to prioritize self-care, establish healthy boundaries, and seek support when needed. Embrace the power of daily habits to nurture your mind, body, and spirit, and empower yourself to thrive amidst the challenges of motherhood and life.

Take the first step today towards a more balanced and fulfilling life by incorporating these daily habits into your routine. You deserve to prioritize your well-being and create a harmonious lifestyle that supports your journey as an ADHD mom. Stay committed, stay resilient, and watch as these habits transform your days for the better.

Let me know if these are helpful and please share if there’s a habit that helps you through your day. 

Until next time, take care guys! 

~Micaela Elizabeth